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lundi 27 juin 2005

Google Summer of Code : update

It's now time to start coding for the Google Summer of Code Program.

Google has allowed WinLibre project 10 slots ! It's amazing !

From now, 10 students are begining to work on WinLibre's future...

I hope we'll see some big improvement soon.

jeudi 2 juin 2005

WinLibre : Google Summer of Code

The Summer of Code is Google's program designed to introduce students to the world of Open Source Software Development.

This Summer, don't let your programming skills lie fallow...Use them for the greater good of Open Source Software and computer science! Google will provide a $4500 award to each student who successfully completes an open source project by the end of the Summer.

WinLibre has just been selected as a mentor organization.

WinLibre has a proposal list for the Google Summer of Code program.

If you are interested in this programm, contact me: pierrejean (point) coudert (at) gmail (point) com

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