samedi 24 décembre 2005
Blender 2.40
Par Pierre-Jean Coudert, samedi 24 décembre 2005 à 16:35 :: Free Software and Windows (en)
Blender 2.40 has been released !
New features
List from :: Blender 2.40
- Character Animation
- Dependency Graph
- Rigging
- Inverse Kinematics (With support from Googles Summer of Code – Blender's IK system was fully reworked. Not only did it become much faster, but it now supports Rotation Limits and Degrees of Freedom, Tree-IK, and IK Target Rotation.)
- Skin Weighting
- Armature Display
- Stride Support
- Shape Keys
- Drivers
- Animation Curve Interpolation
- Actions and NLA
- Particles and Physics simulation
- Fluid Simulation (The second of the Google Summer of Code projects that made it in our release is the exciting Fluid Simulator, allowing to animate a physical correct flow of any fluid type.)
- Particle Guides and distribution
- Hair strand rendering
- Rigid Body
- Modifier Stack
- Subdivide and Loop tools
- Boolean Operations (This Google Summer of Code project delivered us a full new and much better library for intersecting Mesh models. Main target was to generate new models with the least amount of new faces, with regular and pleasant subdivisions.)
- Mesh Ripping
- UV & Image Editing
- Unicode 3D Fonts
- Radial Blend Texture
- Sampling and Filtering
- Python Scripting (New or rewritten modules were added: Mesh, Armature, Key, and Mathutils.)
- Improvements in the UI include: New Lamp drawing types, new Object-center drawing, New Camera view drawing and Passepartout view, Easier window merging, new Toolbox layout, improved Text button, and so on... check the article linked above for a full overview!